Working with Tony

1996 - 2011

Created by sue jacobs 12 years ago
I started working with Tony in 1996 back in the good old days of Morgan Collis, when I was in the office and he came on board as a Leakage Engineer, and I somehow managed to stay working along side him during the next 15 years. There are so many good on site memories, Just to share a few:- Walking along the roads at nights were quite boring so we would amuse ourselves picking holes in peoples houses, and as Tony had been in the building trade he always had something to say about how their extensions were built wrong and windows didn’t suit the house, the style of the front door etc ,etc, and quite often would taken plant cuttings from peoples gardens. And one time I have to stop him from trying to go down a 12ft deep manhole to retrieve a lid that had fallen down, as the opening was only about 2ft wide across I didn’t want to have to call the fire brigade to get him out when he got stuck. Which leads me onto the fact that Tony was also very well know for the vast number of cakes and biscuits that he would have on his van, so if we were ever peckish during the night we would just ring him up and go over for a cup of tea, a gossip and a good old moan! I could go on forever but hopefully there will a few more stories to come. Even though Tony was feeling quite poorly I was chuffed to bits he managed to come to mine & Jackie's 1920's 50th party in July dressed as a gangster. It was very hard seeing Tony become ill, but I have great admiration for his fighting spirit as he never gave in, was always very positive and most of all kept his sense of humour, a very courageous man. Once again I would like thank June and Ian for the very warm welcome that they always gave us when we came round to see Tony during a very difficult time. My heart goes out to you both. Love Sue Jacobs – Work Colleague and friend
