coasternut_8 11th January 2012

Dad, you were an amazing man the finest i ever met or knew! You brought happiness and joy into everyones heart who knew you but brought more happiness and joy into my life more than anyone you knew, im so proud to bare the name Hicks but more than anything im more proud and honnored to be your son and to have such an amazing and loving farther like you. Everytime i think of you Our little saying always runs through my mind " if i dont see you through the week i'll see you through the window, tell your grann, hows your granny, alright thanks! " I miss you more than words can say and im lost without you but i know in my heart we'll be reunited one day:) sleepwell dad and i wont see you through the week but i still see you through the window! R.I.P your loving and proud son Ian xxxx<3